Coach Trip to Standen House and Gardens (National Trust)
May 8, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thank you to all who responded favourably to the e-bulletin regarding the coach trip to Standen for the tulip festival. We can now advise that we have agreed a group visit with Standen administration for Wednesday 8 May.
Pick-ups (times to be arranged with coach hire firm):
Ore Village (bus stop near Tesco);
Old Town (boating lake);
Hastings town centre (Pelham Place bus stop);
St. Leonards Warrior Square (opposite Queen Victoria statue);
Silverhill (Asda bus stop).
We are due at venue for 11.30 am; depart 4 pm.
Cost of coach fare:
Hastings & St. Leonards Society members £15.50, Non-members £17.50
Bookings now being taken. Members have £2 discount and priority booking until 22 March.
Note on Cost of Admission:
National Trust members are admitted free. Group booking discount is only available if there are at least 15 persons in the group
paying for admission (i.e. not NT members). The majority of persons on our outings tend to be NT members, so group rate discount is unlikely to be available. Standard admission charge, payable at the gate, is £12.60. If we find that there are enough non-NT persons on the outing, we will apply for group discount and inform you.
H & St L Society members have priority booking until 22 March.
To book:
Please send a separate e-mail to: hstlsoc@gmail.com
Subject: Standen.
Please state if you are a National Trust member when booking. (N T members are required to show membership card for free admission)
Details of how to make your payment will be given when we confirm your booking.