For Crying Out Loud – The Story of a Town Crier
July 8, 2018 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
| £5‘For Crying Out Loud’ – the Story of a Town Crier
H & St. L Society is keen to help rejuvenate the National Town Criers Competition, which is held in our Priory Meadow Shopping Centre during Hastings Week (October) each year. Due to the continuing cutbacks in budget, HBC has been unable to provide prize money for the event in recent years, and the number of contestants has dropped considerably. The competition has been held in the Borough for over 60 years, and once attracted many contestants from around the country and large audiences. This is a colourful heritage event and a prestigious title for the winning Town Crier. However, it desperately needs some prize money.
To raise funds for the event, H & St. L Society has engaged our brilliant Town Crier, Jon Bartholomew, to give an illustrated talk (‘For Crying Out Loud’ – the story of a Town Crier) at Hastings Museum on Sunday 8 July, 2 pm start. There is an admission charge of £5 per person (children aged 14 years and under, accompanied by adult, free). All proceeds will be donated as prize money for the National Town Criers competition. We do hope you will support this fundraising event, so that we can keep the competition alive in Hastings. Booking is not necessary, but get the date in your diary!