Society Open Meeting
June 10, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
1. Main Topic: John Bownas (H & St. L Society committee member and Town Centre Business Improvement District
Manager) reports on the activities of BID and outlines the strategy for the Town Centre’s future. Followed by questions and discussion
2. Chris Lewcock: update on the St. Leonard’s Church (area) and West Marina former bathing pool site situations.
3. Luciana Haill: Presentation on the ‘Apparitions’ art project.
Apparitions is a new augmented reality app and art project that reveals the ghosts of historic lost landmarks – for example, the Albert Memorial Clock Tower and St. Leonards Pier – evoking a “nostalgia for lost futures”.
Artist Luciana Haill will demonstrate how AR and digital new media art have the ability to preserve architecture and social memory beyond a site’s physical demise. In this time of change in a seaside town that rates high on historical assets but economically low, she reinterprets local lost heritage from books and museums into experiences on smartphones to reach a wide audience.
All welcome. Drinks purchased at the bar may be brought into the meeting.