Notes From Open Meeting Thursday 15th February 2018

Hastings & St. Leonards Society holds Open Meetings at which we have guest speakers and discussions on topics of current interest or concern. The meetings are attended by our committee members, representatives of other groups and societies in the borough and members of the public who have booked to attend. The following items were discussed [...]

By |2024-02-11T10:34:12+00:00February 21st, 2018|The Society|Comments Off on Notes From Open Meeting Thursday 15th February 2018

Campaign for A ‘Roof’ for Edith (CARE)

Please support this petition by signing it.....The petition's creator Ian Jarman will be speaking at our next open meeting on 15th February 2018. It calls for the installation of a roof, canopy or some form of protection from further erosion by the elements, over the statue of Edith and Harold at West Marina Gardens, St [...]

By |2024-02-11T10:34:13+00:00January 30th, 2018|The Society|Comments Off on Campaign for A ‘Roof’ for Edith (CARE)

Society Newsletter No. 3

HASTINGS & ST. LEONARDS SOCIETY Promoting Our Heritage and Civic Pride Newsletter: Issue 3 (23rd January 2018) Open Meeting and AGM Invitation from the Chair One of the objectives of the H & St. L Society is to facilitate discussions about development and planning concerns in the Borough. It is understood that the Local Authority [...]

By |2024-02-11T10:34:13+00:00January 29th, 2018|The Society|Comments Off on Society Newsletter No. 3

Society Newsletter No 2

Hastings Public Library The latest news on the Hastings Public Library improvements is that the building is due to re-open sometime in the Spring. We have made enquiries about local studies resources once the main library is re-opened. Lots of archived material went to The Keep (East Sussex County Council record Office) in Falmer when [...]

By |2024-02-11T10:34:13+00:00December 18th, 2017|The Society|Comments Off on Society Newsletter No 2

A Seasonal Message From The Chair

A Seasonal message from the Chair I am pleased to wish members and everyone else who has supported, or shown an interest in, the new Hastings & St. Leonards Society, a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2018. The H & St. L Society has been set up to assist organisations in the [...]

By |2024-02-11T10:34:14+00:00December 18th, 2017|The Society|Comments Off on A Seasonal Message From The Chair

East Sussex County Council Libraries Consultation

ESCC Libraries Consultation If you are not yet aware, there is currently a public consultation running on the County Council’s latest proposals for public libraries countywide. This consultation closes on 14 December. There is a questionnaire to complete, with space for adding your personal comments. You can pick up a copy of the consultation document [...]

By |2024-02-11T10:34:14+00:00November 20th, 2017|The Society|Comments Off on East Sussex County Council Libraries Consultation

Prince Albert Statue Is Re-Installed outside the Town Hall

Newly installed outside the Town Hall. A long-neglected statue of Prince Albert (consort to Queen Victoria) has been installed outside Hastings Town Hall, due to the considerable efforts of a group of local heritage enthusiasts. The life-size statue of Prince Albert, sculpted in Portland stone by Edwin Stirling (1819–67) at his Liverpool studio, [...]

By |2024-02-11T10:34:33+00:00September 29th, 2017|The Society|1 Comment