Diary Dates for BCRP membership meetings.
Dear Barwatch and Shopwatch members,
You are invited to attend one of the two following meetings:
Shopwatch intelligence meeting
Wednesday 12th September, 10am – 11am, Muriel Matters House (where the Tourist Information office is located) – Birch Suite
Please go to the front reception desk to be signed in.
This will be followed by the committee meeting at 11am – 12pm.
If you have any agenda items or topics for discussion, please email BCRP@lovehastings.com by Wednesday 5th September.
Barwatch Exclusion meeting
Tuesday 25th September, 11am, venue to be confirmed
If you have any agenda items or topics for discussion, please email BCRP@lovehastings.com before Tuesday 18th September.
Don’t forget, you can check on DISC for reminders and alerts, where you will also find the minutes and agendas of previous meetings in the documents section.
BCRP needs your continued support to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour throughout Hastings and St Leonards on Sea.
The scheme is always looking for more committee members too. If you would like to work more closely with our partners and influence crime reduction initiatives, please get in touch by emailing BCRP@lovehastings.com.
Membership to the scheme
Remember, there are some valuable benefits to membership, including having access to the radio network and to the DISC database of intelligence about known shoplifters. BID levy payers receive discounted membership.